Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Installation of testlink on windows 7 is quite critical job. As Quality center is widely used tool for test case management in market it has high cost . Now days many organizations adopting open source softwares as many open source software are hitting back to paid software.

Testlink is open source software means no need to pay for it.

  1. TestLink is web based tool under the GPL license (free to use).
  2. Collect and organize your test cases dynamically
  3. Track results and metrics associated with test execution
  4. Capture and report details to assist you in conducting a more thorough testing process
  5. Customize TestLink to fit your requirements and processes. You are not tied down by any  proprietal solution.
  6. Take advantage of experience gained from hundreds of implementations completed for customers around the world
  7. TestLink directly cooperates with Bug Tracking systems: (Bugzilla , Mantis, Jira, TrackPlus, Eventum, Trac, Seapine, Redmine

You can download it from below link.

You can download stable release.

To install testlink you need to download wampserver which is free to download you can download it from

Download it according to your machine 32 bit or 64 bit

Install wamp server on your machine . Its easy just run setup and follow instructions.

  1. Testlink usually download in .rar file format you have to extract in specified location.
  2. Copy testlink folder and pest it in location (C:\wamp\www)
  3. Now open any browser installed on your machine (e.g IE , Firefox, Chrome)
  4. Type http://localhost/ ( You can see wamp server localhost page , If you are getting IIS server page then shutdown IIS.)

 5.  You can see a folder or we can say a testlink project below to Your Projects item
 6. Click on Testlink Folder 
 7.   You will get screen like this 
8. Click on "New Installation Link " You will get screen like this 

9)Here new installation will ask for Database login & Testlink DB login
10)Enter “root” as Database login and leave blank in database password (It's default username 
and password for mysql admin user)
11)Testlink DB credential are testlink/testlink ( As we are using wamp server you have to use db credetials used in mysql wamp server)
12)Click on “Process TestLink Setup!” button
13)Click on check box and click on Proceed button
14) You will get screen like 
15) Now your testlink installation done successfully on windows 7 using wampserver 
16) To use testlink open browser can use url http://localhost/testlink
17) You will get screen like below. use username -admin, Password-admin and you can use testlink.


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