Friday, October 25, 2013

This is the best example for low priority and high severity bug. Lest's think there is Banking application who gives interest of rs 2 for every 1000 rs in account on the last day of year. Means on last day of year 31.12.YYYY the bank will deposit 2 rs interest for every 1000rs in account. Now bank found a bug that instead of 2 rs application giving interest of 4 rs for every 1000 rs in account. Means due to bug interest is going double.

This bug is high severity - Due to bug interest is going double and bank may have thousands of accounts, So it will not be profitable for bank.

This bug is Low priority  - Depositing interest is happen on last day of year so if its beginning of year like January then there is lot of time to solve this bug .
  1. Example for High Priority and Low Severity Bug
  2. Example for Low Priority and Low Severity Bug
  3. Example for High Priority and High Severity Bug

Example 1) Next example is about  High Priority and Low Severity Bug. Here we take example of Everyone remind the logo or Suppose while updating by mistake they updated the wrong logo with spell missing like here 'o ' is missing . It should be Now here bug is High Priority and Low Severity Bug Because

This bug is High Priority- is company logo and mistake in company logo need to resolve on high priority to keep brand.

This bug is Low Severity- As its just spelling mistake then impact on  user is not much high.

Example 2)

Suppose there is ATM machine. Every one use ATM machine for daily transactions.
When you visit ATM machine sometime you may see advertisements from bank on festival season. Suppose on 2nd Oct on occasions of Gandhi jayanti (Last date to do saving is 3rd oct) bank is giving 0.5% extra (basic 5 % + additional 0.5%= 5.5%) additional interest for senior citizens on savings. This advertisement need to flash on or before 3rd oct. Suppose you visited ATM on 4th Oct morning and still you are seeing this add and date displaying in advertisement is 3rd oct last date to do savings.

Here priority is high as advertisement is flashing on multiple ATMs after end of date to do savings. and Impact is not much as date displaying in  advertisement 3rd oct
 means scheme is already over so severity is low . So need to stop this advertisement on priority.

so this is one of example of high priority and low severity
  1. Example for Low Priority and Low Severity Bug
  2. Example for High Priority and High Severity Bug
  3. Example for Low Priority and High Severity Bug
Now about the next Example for Low Priority and Low Severity Bug. Here we can talk about well know and well used website portal. Everyone knows logo of Suppose while updating the website they made a spell mistake in a content. Its fine it wont impact much. User can still use the website. Its not mean that no need to fix this bug. Bug need to be fix but on Low Priority and Low Severity Bug.

This bug is in Low Priority because - Its fine it wont impact much. User can still use the website and can be fix after some time.
This bug is in Low Severity because - Its fine it wont impact much. User can still use the website 

  1. Example for High Priority and Low Severity Bug
  2. Example for High Priority and High Severity Bug
  3. Example for Low Priority and High Severity Bug
As I have near about 5+ years experience in software testing i realized that setting correct priority and severity is necessary to overcome on bug. That's the reason many times people face this question" Please give the example of High priority and High severity Bug" . Reason behind it to find out person is able to set severity and priority. There are 4 combinations of Severity and priority. 

  1. High Priority and High Severity
  2. High Priority and Low Severity
  3. Low Priority and Low Severity
  4. Low Priority and High Severity

Example for High Priority and High Severity :-

 Suppose there is ATM Machine hope everyone is aware of ATM ma machine which is used for banking transactions. If ATM machine has bug like when user withdraw money from same bank ATM for which he is holding bank account, He is getting charged by 20 rs per transaction. Which is invalid as bank policy says withdrawing money from owns bank ATM no charge will be applied.

So this bug is high priority  because Bank is charging 20 rs per transaction for own ATM which is opposite to business logic. 

and bug is high severity this bug need to resolved immediately because thousands of user withdraw money per hour so it cost high.  

  1. Example for High Priority and Low Severity Bug
  2. Example for Low Priority and Low Severity Bug
  3. Example for Low Priority and High Severity Bug

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